Challenges and Solutions for Education in Aceh: Perspective of Dayah Education


  • Mukhlisuddin Ilyas Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena, Banda Aceh
  • Munawar Almuslim University, Indonesia
  • N. Islami Department of Material Engineering, Universitas Malikussaleh


Dayah, Aceh Education, Holistic Education, Dayah Prespectives


The educational framework in Aceh exists within a broader national system, yet lacks a unified conceptual foundation to guide its various stakeholders. Instead, disparate visions operate in isolation, often left unrealized. A deeper philosophical approach is needed—one that fosters a dynamic and integrated model of education capable of cultivating competent and professional individuals. The overlap and indistinct boundaries between institutions further blur the path to innovation, reinforcing structural inefficiencies. A truly holistic system must transcend the conventional divisions between secular and religious education, creating a seamless integration of knowledge that embodies a higher universal principle. This calls for an overarching governance structure—an entity that dissolves institutional dichotomies and redefines management under a singular, cohesive vision. The persistence of dual systems has perpetuated fragmentation, hindering the holistic development of Aceh’s youth. To move forward, a synthesis of curriculum, policy, and resource allocation must be embraced, uniting all aspects of education under a singular, purpose-driven paradigm.


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How to Cite

Ilyas, M., Munawar, M., & Islami, N. (2024). Challenges and Solutions for Education in Aceh: Perspective of Dayah Education. JURNAL HURRIAH: Jurnal Evaluasi Pendidikan Dan Penelitian, 5(4), 581-592. Retrieved from

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